
Articles Posted in New York Elder Law


How Medicare and Medicaid Are Addressing Long-Term Care Issues

Deciding how to receive the medical care that a person needs is a critical part of the elder law process. Unfortunately, the unpredictable nature of aging and medical issues can make it challenging to determine what lies ahead. Various states have also begun to attempt to resolve financing challenges associated…


Onondaga County Officially Transfers Ownership of Nursing Home to Private Firm

The changing face of New York nursing home care continued this weekend as another county officially got out of the elder care business. As reported by Syracuse News, the Van Duyn Home and Hospital was transferred by Onondaga County to the “Upstate Services Group” — a private company that owns…


Understanding “Specialty” Trusts

Many New Yorkers remain unfamiliar with the benefit and flexibility of using trusts to plan for the future and protect assets in the present. Trusts can prove useful for all residents, including most middle class families. In our work with estate planning, we often help set up basic living trusts…


Playing the Odds: You Will Likely Need Long-Term Care Eventually

Parents often laugh off the naive pronouncements of their young children… When I grow up, I’ll never get married. When I grow up, I’ll never have kids. As heartfelt as those claims may be at the time, parents know that, in reality, there is a good chance their youngsters will…


AARP to Hold Forum on “Modernizing Medicaid”

Debate and discussion around the ideal setting to care for older individuals has raged for decades. The trends are somewhat cyclical. In the distant past, virtually all aging took place at homes. “Traditional,” nuclear families were more common, and so seniors who could no longer live on their own almost…


Continuing Trend: Private Investor Buys New York Public Nursing Home

The face of long-term care in New York continues to change. In the past, when seniors were in need of close, around-the-clock care their main option was to move into a skilled nursing home in their community, usually owned by the county itself. These public facilities long acted as the…


Nursing Homes Lagging Behind in Electronic Records?

Nursing homes have a reputation for being ‘behind the times.” New York in particular has a somewhat abysmal track record of providing high-quality care. One on hand, the problems are rooted in finances and personnel. Often operating on tight budgets, some facilities cut corners on staffing, leading many residents to…

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