
Issues with Family Vacation Homes

Many New York families have vacation homes. While the reference often conjures up images of the super-wealthy wintering in palacial estates, the truth is that owning a second piece of real estate in a favorite location is not only for the elite. Middle class families who prudently save often decide to purchase a second home for investment purposes.

Considering the frequency of these homes, it is important for families to be aware of some financial and estate planning issues that they may create. A Forbes story from last week provides a helpful introduction into the topic.

Unfortunately, the use and future ownership of these homes is often cause for confusion, misunderstanding , and argument. For one thing, parents and children often have different ideas about the property. Is it meant to be a family keepsake that is passed down through the generations as a meeting place and memory maker? Or is it simply an investment item that can be sold if necessary without much thought? Often different family members have different levels of attached to these homes. One sibling may hold the location dear and never dream of getting rid of it while another may have few memories of the home and not wish to hold onto the property if it does not make financial sense.

The Forbes discussion notes that the single most common mistake made with regards to these issues is parents who decide to just “let the kids figure it out.” Without honest discussion and legal planning ahead of time it is likely problems will arise. It is easy to see why. Adult children may live far away from one another. Those who live near the home may use it, while others may get nothing from the property. Those with a larger family and more immediate financial needs may view the property as a windfall, while others may not.

Solving these disputes is not as easy as simply giving the property to those who most enjoy it. After all, many parents seek to split their assets evenly between children. Because a second home may be one of the family’s largest assets, it is often impossible to offset that value with something else.

On top of all of this there are tax issues to consider. What is the best way to pass on the asset? Children can receive it via will or perhaps as part of a trust (QTIPs are common in these cases). Alternatively, it may even be appropriate to use a limited liability company to make the transfer. These choices can literally save families tens of thousands of dollars (or more!).

In other words, there are many complex estate planning issues that come into play with vacation homes, and it is critical not to discount them or fail to anticipate them.

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