Articles Posted in Medicaid Planning

When Medicare was expanded in 2003, the expansion that established prescription drug coverage was called a “promise, a solemn promise, to America’s seniors.” Part D Medicare officially took effect in 2006, but still some seniors were afraid of falling into the infamous “doughnut-hole” coverage gap.

Initial Benefits of Part D

In Part D’s first few years, national data has shown that the program had helped seniors make progress with their prescription drugs. Overall, out of pocket costs decreased for medication, seniors took their medication more regularly, and were less likely to forego basics like food or heat in order to afford for their prescriptions.

Being a caregiver to an older adult can be very rewarding for both the caregiver and the person receiving the care. However, being a caregiver also is hard work. It’s hard mentally, emotionally, physically and sometimes financially, as well. However, certain programs and actions can sometimes make caring for an aging parent less difficult.

Assistance Programs

There are a variety of benefit program and support services are available to older adults who need care. Tapping into these sources can help free up financial resources that are otherwise being provided by an adult child caregiver. Programs vary by state, but here are a few places to start–

The New York Medicaid system is the primary means of providing long-term care to many seniors in the state. However, the system’s popularity led to financial strains, and public officials have worked for years to address rising costs and budget challenges. The most popular large-scale change to the program pushed by reform advocates is referred to as “managed care.”

The idea of managed care is to move away from paying service providers per specific task provided and instead compensate them a flat fee for each resident–regardless of what care the resident needs. The idea is to eliminate the company’s incentive to provide care that is not needed simply to increase their reimbursement. By providing a flat fee per resident, caregivers are incentivized to provide efficient, quality care.

Purging “Unprofitable” Clients?

It is a common problem for New York residents: how to protect your ailing parents’ assets. For many families, the largest asset is the family home. Many seniors spent their entire lives pouring money into their home, with property rates increasing over the years, the home is a significant asset to be passed on to heirs. At the same time, if the senior does not have long-term care insurance, there is always the risk of the home being lost to pay for a nursing home or other support services.

The Life Estate

After first considering the risk, many adult children who are unfamiliar various elder law and estate planning tools attempt rudimentary protection efforts. For example, the adult son or daughter may convince their parent to sign a new deed, giving ownership of the home to the child. This seemingly avoids having the transfer go through probate and may protect the home from some long-term care costs (though this is not always the case).

Residents throughout New York continue to experience “sticker shock” when exploring their long-term care options. Whether you are planning for possible needs in the future or working quickly to secure support for an ailing loved one, there is a good chance you may be surprised by the overall costs of this care. Naturally, there is a spectrum of care–from occasional, at-home aides to a move into a skilled nursing home. And there are wide variances in quality among specific caregivers. In most cases, however, the overall cost is quite significant, particularly in a relatively expensive state like New York.

The Cost Data – 2014

A helpful starting point to understand the financial toll of long-term care is to examine the newly released 2014 Cost of Care Survey from Genworth. This particular survey has been conducted for over a decade, allowing an understanding of year over year trends on top of providing information on current costs.

Uncertainty reigned over the last few months regarding the budget situation for the New York Medicaid system. Fortunately, an agreement has been reached which should provide more long-term stability and the ease the minds of both policymakers and NY residents alike.

The underlying problem was claims by the federal government that over a period of years New York engaged in improper billing practices. The mistakes led to billions of dollars being paid to the state that should not have been paid. After discovering the problem, federal officials initially claimed that the money needed to be re-paid. All told, this would amount to nearly $15 billion being drained from state coffers that otherwise would provide support to local residents. No matter which way you slice it, losing those funds would hurt New York Medicaid participants, including seniors.

Settlement Agreement

As the first wave of healthcare insurance enrollment ends as part of the Affordable Care Act, observers are quick to comment on the changes enacted by the law. In addition to millions who took advantage of insurance sold in private marketplace exchanges, there has also been a significant increase in Medicaid participants–both in New York and nationwide.

According to a New York Times report last week, across the country there are now over 62 million Americans receiving some Medicaid support. The increase is more targeted in states like New York that specifically took advantage of options in the Affordable Care Act that allow for expansion of the program.

Importantly, much of the discussion about healthcare exchanges and Medicaid expansion refer to general health insurance coverage–not necessarily care that includes long-term support for the elderly.

The New York Medicaid program is a critical lifeline for millions of residents. Unfortunately, many remain confused by some of the complex details. It is common to have only a fragmented understanding of how Medicaid works from random discussions with friends and neighbors or by hearing snippets of news clips discussing the program.

One of the most misunderstood aspects of the system is the “spend down” requirement. Medicaid is a need-based program, and so qualification requires one to have assets below a very low threshold. But that does not mean that everything you own will be lost before qualifying for Medicaid.

Medicaid Misunderstandings.

The face of New York nursing home care has been changing in recent years. The traditional model of individual counties throughout the state owning and operating facilities to provide care to ailing seniors is being phased out in may places. Instead, the counties are selling the homes to private companies to operate. The moves are spurred in almost all cases by financial realities–the facilities are too expensive for the county to operate.

Understandably, elder advocates worry about the effect of the change on senior care. In the past, some analyses have suggested that privately-run nursing homes, on average, show more “deficiencies” than their public counterparts. The assumption is that private homes are motivated by profit and more willing to cut resources to residents and refuse to pay wages for the best caregivers in order to boost their bottom line.

But is is important to remember that no two homes are identical, and “averages” do not mean that all privately run homes are rampant with neglect and need to be avoided. Early reports out of Ulster County, for example, offer a hopeful reminder that quality decreases may not automatically follow private nursing homes sales.

We are in the midst of significant changes to the New York Medicaid system. The critical state-federal program serves as a lifeline for many residents–including those in nursing homes. As part of President Obama’s healthcare overhaul, Medicaid is expanding, opening opportunities to more residents than ever before. New York has been cited as a model for that expansion, as our state has the most robust system in the country.

At the same time, however, with expansion comes increased scrutiny on exactly how each Medicaid dollar is spent. Both state officials and federal regulators are focusing on cutting out fraud and otherwise maximizing the value of funds. While this may seem like only a concern of policymakers, these changes will also trickle down and directly affect New York residents who rely on the system. As oversight changes, there may be alterations to the Medicaid application process and new rules about what benefits a resident can receive as part of the system.

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